Who We Are
The original memorial was a 1976 Seagrave 100' ladder tiller truck that previously served the City of Boston. Chief Kevin Shephard of Greenwich, New York had a dream and made it a reality by inspiring 26 individuals to purchase the truck. The membership includes a group of firefighters both paid and volunteer and the families of our fallen heroes.
The concept of MacBoston 18 Truck was inspired by the Line of Duty death of Firefighter Paul MacMurray from Hudson Falls, New York. "Mac" is from MacMurray, Boston from where the truck originally served, and 18 was Paul's badge number. In addition we memorialized Brian Myers Sr. from Schuylerville, New York and Chief Thomas M. McCormack of Watervliet, New York. Most recently, the MacBoston 18 Truck was dedicated to the memory of all firefighters who have died in the line of duty or as a result of a line of duty accident.
We are a dues/donation supported group and travel upon request to parades, open houses, muster days, conventions, memorials, etc. We also sell merchandise to help support our cause.
Mac Boston has since purchased additional trucks. The trucks can be requested for events such as parades, conventions and gatherings of any kind. Each truck is equipped with plaques which have the names of all the NYS fire fighters that paid the supreme sacrifice since 1995.
If your department has suffered the loss of a fire fighter in the line of duty prior to 1996, we will add that name to the plaques upon verification from either your County Coordinator or your Fire Protection Specialist from OFPC. Contact any of our members.